Tuesday, March 3, 2015

That's a Wrap!

Today I am writing this entry for two reasons. First to share the faith stories of my "Wrapped Truck". Second because its time to "Re-Wrap" and we are looking for partners. Now for those of you who are unfamiliar with Wrapped vehicles, I will give you a crash course on their purpose and effectiveness. Basically a wrapped vehicle is when a company puts a vinyl covering over a vehicle in order to draw attention and to advertise. For years people have purchased advertising on Bill boards and in Yellow pages, but imagine if that Billboard could actually go where your customers are? Enter the wrapped vehicle. Marketing experts tell us that a wrapped vehicle generates over 40,000 impressions for every 6 hours it is on the road. In addition to that, a wrapped vehicle lasts much longer than a Billboard. In the BASS fishing world where I minister, wrapped vehicles and boats are the standard by which most companies advertise. So what does this have to do with Ministry? Ill tell you.

I have found that one of the reasons that most people don't share their faith, is because they don't know how to start. My wrapped truck gives me a perfect opportunity to start. In the years that I have had my truck wrapped, I have shared my faith hundreds of times and have seen many people trust Christ. In addition it allows me to share with people what I do, and gives me scores of opportunities to minister to people who are hurting. I will share with  you a couple of stories.

 Several years ago former BASS classic winner Randy Howell, shared with a company that wraps trucks about my ministry. They called and offered to wrap my truck as a gift to Wellspoken Ministries. I picked up the new wrap in Birmingham Alabama, and set out to drive to the Classic which was in Shreveport Louisiana that year. 15 minutes after I got on the highway I got a phone call. The caller said "I just passed you on the interstate, and I saw that you are a Christian speaker. How do I become a christian?" I had the opportunity to lead him to Christ over the phone. One summer, our family was staying down at the beach. As we were cleaning up to leave, we realized we were out of glass cleaner. I was given the task to go fetch some. I pulled into the parking lot at CVS and saw a man staring at my truck. He walked directly to me and said " Do you pray for people"? He was going through a divorce and took a walk to try and figure out his life. I had the opportunity to lead him to Christ in the parking lot.

I have so many testimonies just like those, of scores of people that walk right up to that vehicle. Now do you have to have a wrapped truck to share Christ? Absolutely not, God can use whatever we give Him as long as we are willing to be used.  So with that said, we are looking for Sponsors for the new Basschaplain Wrap. If your business of company is interested they can contact us through email or by phone. We have a number of sponsorship levels. Take Care and Keep telling people about Jesus!

To contact us about wrap Sponsorships:

(864) 414-9453

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